Hello, and welcome
to my site! I'm Devon, an amateur model and aspiring
singer. I'm your all-American small town girl and I
big dreams of making it in the
music industry someday. I absolutely
to sing and music is my biggest passion!
definitely not your typical internet
model. In fact, I've never even modeled before until
now! I thought this might be a neat way to pursue my
music career and possibly get noticed. I know it's a
long shot, but I figure there's no harm in trying, right?
Either way, taking photos and videos is a
and I'm proud of all the hard work I've put into my
I like to think it's my
unique goal
of becoming a singer and my personality that set me
apart from all the other net models. I really am just
your average
girl-next-door and I hope
you stick around and see for yourself why my site's
different than the rest. Members get access to my
photos, videos, personal e-mail address, and much more!
Huge thanks to everyone who supports
my site. By supporting it you're supporting my dream
of someday making it in the music industry.
me inside!